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  • Faster EFT Ultimate Home Study Course (DVD) Robert G. Smith
  • Faster EFT Ultimate Home Study Course (DVD) Robert G. Smith
  • Faster EFT Ultimate Home Study Course (DVD) Robert G. Smith
  • Faster EFT Ultimate Home Study Course (DVD) Robert G. Smith
  • Faster EFT Ultimate Home Study Course (DVD) Robert G. Smith
  • Faster EFT Ultimate Home Study Course (DVD) Robert G. Smith
  • Faster EFT Ultimate Home Study Course (DVD) Robert G. Smith
  • Faster EFT Ultimate Home Study Course (DVD) Robert G. Smith
  • Faster EFT Ultimate Home Study Course (DVD) Robert G. Smith
  • Faster EFT Ultimate Home Study Course (DVD) Robert G. Smith
  • Faster EFT Ultimate Home Study Course (DVD) Robert G. Smith
  • Faster EFT Ultimate Home Study Course (DVD) Robert G. Smith

Faster EFT Ultimate Home Study Course (DVD) Robert G. Smith

Po dogovoru
Šifra oglasa: 1153288

Osnovne informacije

Osrednjeslovenska, Ljubljana

Opis oglasa

Cena novega je sedaj 2.500$ na uradni spletni strani (https://fastereft.com/products/training/seminars/ultimate-learning-kit/) jaz ga prodam po polovični ceni. Če poznate tehniko FEFT in kreatorja tehnike Robert G. Smitha veste, da je vredno denarja.
Tukaj se kompletno naučiš tehniko in kako jo izvajati na sebi ter drugih.


Faster EFT Ultimate Home Study Course Package 94 DVDs, 2 Audio CDs, 1 DATA DVD with MP3s of this Powerful Training with over 100 hours of instruction, insight and Faster EFT-style tapping.
This is the most complete collection you’ll find on Transforming the lives of your clients, yourself, or the ones you love.Screen-Shot-2016-05-24-at-9.47.49-AM-600x600

This DVD series really unearths the biggest differences between Regular EFT and Faster EFT and why it’s so much more effective for so many people.

The FasterEFT Ultimate Training Course gives you the complete understandings of how it is that we have problems, how to make the changes in 1/5 the time of EFT, and a more complete process which ends the dreaded psychological reversal problem which really doesn’t exist in FasterEFT.

You will save $1000′s or more by starting with this system because you will be coming back to these DVDs time and time again for really powerful skills. Even though it may seem similar to Regular EFT, this really is the NEW EFT. And with FasterEFT, the “E.F.T.” stands for “Emotionally Focused Transformations” – because that is what makes the really BIG difference.

PODROBEN OPIS VSEGA tukaj na LINKU: https://www.faster-eft.org/faster-eft-ultimate-home-study-course/

VSI DVD-ji delujejo sem jih ravno preveril te dni. Zraven so vsi 3je zvezki.
Edino kar nedam zraven so 3 knjige, katerih avtor ni Robert in katere lahko posebej naročite preko Amazona ali celo v Sloveniji in je cena ene 10€ druge 15€, tretje 25€.

Kontakt: 031-002-032 Klemen
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