• Zbirka LIVING ENGLISH STRUCTURE Longman, W. Stannard Allen angleščina
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Zbirka LIVING ENGLISH STRUCTURE Longman, W. Stannard Allen angleščina

15 €
Šifra oglasa: 8675633

Osnovne informacije

Vrsta ponudbe
Osrednjeslovenska, Ljubljana Center, Center

Opis oglasa

Prodam odlično obširno angleško zbirko z razlagami in vajami LIVING ENGLISH STRUCTURE Longman, avtor W. Stannard Allen, 338 strani.
* Countables and uncounables
* Negatives and questions
* Possesives
* -self
* Adverb order
* Pronouns
* Possessive case
* Introduction to interrogatives
* Telling the time
* too and enough
* some and any
* no = not any
* Comparisons
* Negatives and questions of auxiliary verbs
* Causative use of have
* must, have, to, need
* can, could, was able etc.
* Short-form negative
* Short-form responses using auxiliary verbs
* Imperative
* Present tense
* Frequency (or pre-verb) adverbs
* Past tense (continued)
* Tense (Present, Past, Present Perfect)
* Future and Future Perfect
* Past Perfect tense
* Revision of Tenses
* Conditions and unreal past
* Question-tags
* get and got forms
* Predicative so and not
* do and make
* Infinitive implied by its particle
* else and or else
* Infinitive
* -ing form - Gerund and Present Participle
* Infinitive and Gerund
* Perfect Infinitive of imaginary past
* Verb, noun or adjective
* have a -
* Interrogatives
* Interrogative responses
* Relatives
* Relative and interrogative links
* Emphatic connectives (-ever forms)
* Emphatic colloquial interrogatives
* there is and it is
* Reported speech
* Pasive voice
* Miscellaneous exercises
much, many, etc., in affirmative
also, too, and as well
might just as well, would just as soon, would rather
certanly and surely
fairly and rather
* Phrase openings
* The comparison game
* Prepositions and Adverbial particles
* Accepted phrases
* Appendix on Clauses

Odlična priložnost - dodatek dijakom in študentom za lažje učenje angleškega jezika ter učiteljem pri poučevanju!

Cena: 15 eur


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  • Naslov:  1000 Ljubljana, Osrednjeslovenska, Slovenija
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19.04.2024. ob 11:11
Do poteka še
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236 -krat


Vsi oglasi tega oglaševalca
Uporabnik je telefonsko številko preveril v državi Slovenija
Uporabnik ni trgovec in zanj ne veljajo določbe EU o varstvu potrošnikov.
  • Naslov:  1000 Ljubljana, Osrednjeslovenska, Slovenija