• Dubno 1941 - The Greatest Tank Battle of the Second World War
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Dubno 1941 - The Greatest Tank Battle of the Second World War

30 €
Šifra oglasa: 11102962

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Vrsta ponudbe
Goriška, Nova Gorica, Solkan

Opis oglasa

Aleksei Isaev
Dubno 1941 - The Greatest Tank Battle of the Second World War
252 strani, mehka vezava, 128 čb fotografij, 4 čb ilustracije, 16 tabel in 20 zemljevidov.

Kratek opis v angleškem jeziku:
In June 1941 - during the first week of the Nazi invasion in the Soviet Union - the quiet cornfields and towns of Western Ukraine were awakened by the clanking of steel and thunder of explosions; this was the greatest tank battle of the Second World War. About 3,000 tanks from the Red Army Kiev Special Military District clashed with about 800 German tanks of Heeresgruppe South. Why did the numerically superior Soviets fail? Hundreds of heavy KV-1 and KV-2 tanks, the five-turret giant T-35 and famous T-34 failed to stop the Germans. Based on recently available archival sources, A. Isaev describes the battle from a new point of view: that in fact it's not the tanks, but armoured units, which win or lose battles. The Germans during the Blitzkrieg era had superior tactics and organisations for their tank forces. The German Panzer Division could defeat their opponents not by using tanks, but by using artillery, which included heavy artillery, and motorized infantry and engineers. The Red Army's armoured units - the Mechanized Corps - had a lot of teething troubles, as all of them lacked accompanying infantry and artillery. In 1941 the Soviet Armoured Forces had to learn the difficult science - and mostly ‘art' - of combined warfare. Isaev traces the role of these factors in a huge battle around the small Ukrainian town of Dubno. Popular myths about impregnable KV and T-34 tanks are laid to rest. In reality, the Germans in 1941 had the necessary tools to combat them. The author also defines the real achievements on the Soviet side: the blitzkrieg in the Ukraine had been slowed down. For the Soviet Union, the military situation in June 1941 was much worse than it was for France and Britain during the Western Campaign in 1940. The Red Army wasn't ready to fight as a whole and the border district's armies lacked infantry units, as they were just arriving from the internal regions of the USSR. In this case, the Red Army tanks became the ‘Iron Shield' of the Soviet Union; they even operated as fire brigades. In many cases, the German infantry - not tanks - became the main enemy of Soviet armoured units in the Dubno battle. Poorly organized, but fierce, tank-based counter-attacks slowed down the German infantry - and while the Soviet tanks lost the battle, they won the war.

“Aleksei Isaev's premise that tanks were not responsible for the Germans' superiority in this battle is an interesting one but doesn't detract from his overall assessment of the battle, which is thorough and charged with intense atmosphere. Superb.” Books Monthly

“ … “A dream for the Eastern Front games…a major contribution to the very early part of the war…” Miniature Wargames

“ … For the images alone this book is well worth the asking price, I had not realised how many different tanks the Russian army possessed...An excellent read and a book that sets the record straight without any of the normal Russian propaganda. 5 stars.” Army Rumour Service

“ … The author and translator have done a fantastic job of bringing these little known battles to light… This book is filled with pictures from the battle, and also has a good number of maps to help the reader visualize the different actions. It is another superb Helion & Company volume to add to your collection.” Wargamer’s Needful Things blog

“...In one nice publication the reader will get useful images as well as handy information.” DetailScaleView

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Poštnino plača kupec, osebni prevzem je možen v Solkanu, oziroma Novi Gorici in bližnji okolici.



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  • Naslov:  5250 Solkan, Goriška, Slovenija
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Vsi oglasi tega oglaševalca
Uporabnik je telefonsko številko preveril v državi Slovenija
Uporabnik ni trgovec in zanj ne veljajo določbe EU o varstvu potrošnikov.
  • Naslov:  5250 Solkan, Goriška, Slovenija