• You Can't Steal Second With Your Foot on First
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You Can't Steal Second With Your Foot on First

5 €
Šifra oglasa: 4897492

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Vrsta ponudbe
Goriška, Idrija, Godovič

Opis oglasa

You Can't Steal Second With Your Foot on First: Choosing to Become Independent in a Job-Dependent World
by Burke Hedges

This book is great for anyone thinking about starting their own business. If you have any insecurities about leaving the world of jobism, they will all disappear after reading this book. This book was written back in 1995 and boy didn't Hedges call it right? Many of those people who hung their hopes on a J-O-B now find themselves out of work and attacked Hedges for this book and it's predecessor, "Who Stole The American Dream", are probably wishing they had listened to Hedges instead of attacking him.The very popular Rich Dad series of books is interestingly sending out the same message only to a larger audience---you must go from employee to self employed if you want to succeed. The best and fairest boss that you will ever have is the one you see every morning in the mirror.

Prevzem je lahko v Logatcu, Ljubljani ali po dogovoru kje vmes. Možno pošiljanje tudi po pošti na stroške kupca.
Dodatne informacije dobite na tel. št. 070/819 315
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  • Naslov:  Osrednjeslovenska, Slovenija
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31.03.2024. ob 14:03
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Vsi oglasi tega oglaševalca
Uporabnik je telefonsko številko preveril v državi Slovenija
Uporabnik ni trgovec in zanj ne veljajo določbe EU o varstvu potrošnikov.
  • Naslov:  Osrednjeslovenska, Slovenija